
This is a design made for the Beverly Arts Center. They are celebrating their 50th anniversary for their business. I just want to say congratulations and I hope they like their design. I wish them many more years of greatness. For more information about them or if you would like to get in contact with them, their phone number and website is on the ad. This ad is also on the website.


This is my favorite poster from the ones that I have created so far. It is my favorite because I played with a lot of color and gradients in this poster to create psychedelic repetition. It definitely took me the longest to make, but it is one of my favorites by far. I ended the semester very proud of this poster because it took me the longest and I had to make a lot of sacrifices for this end result. The poster displays in the background repetition of their logo. Their logo is very colorful and has many circles. I did my best with gradients to capture what they already have and I know it's not perfect, but it came out very nice and definitely grabs your attention. I love everything about it and I hope one day cold play will see what I made and like it as well.

Pop Art: Pearl Bailey

This is my third screen printed poster and one of my favorite. It was a pop art theme and I chose Pearl Bailey as my celebrity to print. She did a lot of Broadway shows and acting. The poster captures the colors that were displayed in her Broadway shoes. The plus shape created by the overlapping of the colors was created to show that even though she has four different images being shown on the poster that depicts four different sides of her personality, it brings together her different personalities as one.

WPA poster

This poster was my second poster that I screen printed. I designed it to bring awareness to people who smoke cigarettes that they are not only harming themselves, but people like me who have asthma. Being an athlete also plays into the role of me wanting to keep my lungs very healthy. I do not like cigarettes and find them very disgusting. I like how there are commercials to bring more awareness to lung cancer as well and showing people who actually are going through the struggle of the consequences of smoking. i hope this poster change the mind of those who smoke and to help inspire people to quit.

clenched fist poster

 This is one of my very first screen printed posters. I just recently completed the class and I now want to further a career with screen printing my designs on apparel. This poster represents the support and solidarity of fighting against sex abuse. It sparked my interest to create this design when the story first came out about the Olympic and Michigan state doctor/trainer. When the story came out it definitely made me want to let the girls know that I am one of their supporters and I feel sympathetic for them. I also made this because I wanted to bring more awareness to the subject for our school, especially athletes like me who are potential victims to this kind of behavior. I chose to include the words "stop sex abuse" because now that the story isn't in the news and is not being talked about anymore, I wanted people to still know that this is what the poster was about. If I were to not have the words, it would just look like a poster that a little girl would want...

WXAV Flyer

This is one of the last flyers that I designed before the end of the semester. I created this to bring attention to some people who might be interested in joining student media for the next school year. I enjoy working here. My coworkers and manager of student media is very nice and we all work well together. The station is the best and I encourage whoever out there who goes to this school to definitely join our team. We are seeking more people to join to fill the positions of the people who have graduated this past semester. All the information needed is on the flyer and also if you need more information, the manager in charge of everything for student media, his information posted at the very bottom.

Pizza Plus Ad

 This is an ad that I created for a pizza place near my school, which is Saint Xavier University. They really liked what I came up with. I designed a few options for them to choose from and this was the one they liked best. I usually lean towards bold fonts that are san serifs. San serifs are easier to read than serifs so it is something that I would choose almost always. As for the colors, they are the colors of the logo that they created and I brought them out more into the entire ad to bring more attention to what represents them. I had fun with working on this because pizza is one of my favorite food, but also working on designs related to food is just fun in general. I am glad how this came out and that the company enjoyed it. Also this ad will be displayed in our school newspaper along with some of the other ads that I have designed.